The name regarday is taken from the French word 'regarder' which means 'LOOK'
Verb | re·gard·day \ri-ˈgärd-ˈdā\
Paddy purchased his first SLR camera in Europe
during his late teens and has had a keen
interest in photography ever since. He has paid
attention to lots of different photographic styles
trying to figure out 'how it's done' or 'what
makes the perfect photograph'.
Just before digital photography really took off in the late 90's he attended a photography class in NYC to learn more about the technical aspects of the SLR camera as well as composition & technique. It also included learning how to develop film and make his own prints in the darkroom.
Now we live in the digital age the camera equipment has changed, Paddy still believes that the techniques remain the same and the keys to good photography are equal parts artistic flair, technical knowledge and understanding the subject matter.

Teri made photography a part of her life since
she was a young woman. It started with her love
for animals. She was a competitive rider and
loved to take photos of the horses.
She later opened a photography business that
specialized in pets. She also started studying
Photoshop and Lightroom.
She became a Realtor and began photographing all of her own listings and was soon asked to photograph her fellow Realtor’s listings too.
Teri enjoys photography and knows what it takes to make any home look it’s absolute best. Photos are what prospective buyers see first. It’s what makes them want to explore the home further.
With our services you can’t make a better first impression.
Great photos = more showings!